10 марта 2012 года в10.03.2012 23:49 7 0 10 1


time past. years. minutes. and through all of these it's become clear that friendship, love, family become something differen for you.

when you are teenager you think that the whole world against you. you quarrel with your family more often than you say "thank you" or "sorry"/you think that only thing that they realy want is to forbid you evrything. you quarrell abot your ugly, rude boyfriend, who you posses as handsome and gentle. they stand against your friends who do nothing but hanging out, drinking and smoking, which for you are awesome. and parents also insist to make friendship with gics. you look forward for your 18 birth day…but look. you get older and find out that only persons you can rely is you mom and dad. through all your ups and downs only they stand hand to hand, eye to eye to you. they happy for you, not for succsses that you made or not, they happy and glad that you just who you are. now from the point of my age i can say from my heart that the most close and valuable persons in my life who were, are and will are my parents.

friends. is for some how another chapter. you more often make useful friendship or so called friends with benefits, rather than real friends for soul. you together visit right places, meet right people, talk about right things. and you begin thinking that you are sick and tired from your simple, school friends, and it's not hard to guess that you realy are. nevertheless, it pleasure for me to leave behind all these shit and say that i have 3 real bff, it's not much, but a croud of 10-…. can't be the closest persons for you. but these 3 are full of awesome "benefits". not such benefits that i discribed before, they awesome in there own way, they smart, they crazy, maybe even insane for some times, they kind, but they can be tough, i can call me the luckiest person that i have opportunity to be with them.

love. now it's not crazy, time-consuming, that catсh your breath, you are not addicted to a person, love withot drama. now your love is tender and right.


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