10 марта 2012 года в10.03.2012 13:15 11 0 10 1

Is the man the master of the universe? Can he change the image of the planet?

The question about the position of the man in the world will always be relevant. Optimists believe that human race is omnipotent. Pessimists believe that retribution will come soon for all human sins.

On the one hand, people`s possibilities are endless. The brilliant human mind has created wonders of the world like the Pyramids of Giza, the Lighthouse of Alexandria and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. It is also a good example - hydro and nuclear power, which is becoming more and more popular every year.

Moreover, human knowledge has a negative impact on the environment. Testing of nuclear bombs, numerous factories, an incredible amount of transport - it's all spoil our planet very much.

On the other hand, a person is insignificant in comparison with the power of nature. If the Earth angry, it will be bad all of its residents. Disasters such as earthquakes or tsunamis - and all the masterpieces of the human will be erased. Any building created by the hands of people will not stand under the onslaught of nature.

To sum everything up, it is needed to be said that the man is not exactly the master of the world. In my opinion, planet is much stronger than all 7 billion of its inhabitants. And it's time for people to learn to respect nature and carefully use the resources it provides. Otherwise, disaster is inevitable. Global warming, new ice age, huge tsunami - something will happen.


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Is the man the master of the universe? Can he change...

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