22 февраля 2012 года в22.02.2012 21:46 1 0 10 1

Okay. This is just a post - without any photos, audio files or smth like that. This is a post of my thoughts about last episode. And i'm writing it just because i can't stay silent, as if this is the series i really really adore, like no other series before; it gives me so much inspiration and motivation to move on, to change smth every time i watch it. So this is kinda important for me.

I saw "On My Way" this morning and it really took me almost a day to collate things right, to go through everything i realized…coz i was sitting there, after i watched it, in complete silence, with my heart couldn't stop racing, for like 10 minutes… just because it set me through sooo much different emotions at the same time, so i just had to sit a little to calm myself down. Even if i read all the spoilers before i saw the episode, it was unpredictable.

I don't even know why this episode touched me so much..why almost every episode in the third season (except maybe "Spanish Teacher", sorry) touched me so… i never was such a fan or any series (only when i was much younger and watched "The O.C."), so it's kinda new for me… 'Glee' really touched me in the heart, slowly, but it did.

So, back to the episode: first of all, i'd start with my lovely Blaine)) "Cough Syrup"."COUGH SYRUP".I loved this song from the very first note, when i heard it as soon as i can before the episode came out, but i'd never thought it will be so good in the episode(!) Even though i'm not a fan of Karofsky, i just can stand this scene…it was so emotional… and Darren's voice, and music, and tears, tears, tears…okay.Can we just live it that way, coz i think there's nothing more i could say? (but i still don't like Karofsky and… yes, i felt so sorry for him, but… that's all)

Let's talk about smth i was worried about (at least nobody didn't mention it for my surprise(!) - Klaine. Sorry, but the first thing i thought when i saw Kurt came up to Blaine in auditorium and i heard the intonation of his words was: WHAT?! And when did it happen? Because i kinda missed the moment Kurt and Blaine suddenly became so cold with each other. Srsly, it felt like they were together for a good 10 years, tired of each other and family life, sleeping back-to-back in their cold and lonely bed… it's not magical anymore, it doesn't give sparks and fireworks and butterflies anymore. What's up with you, guys?! No kisses, no looks, no touching (except that 'holding hands' moment in the hallway with Q., but it was surpising for me after what i saw in the 'Syrup' scene) … i mean, C'MMON, GUYS, you had sex like ONCE(!) and… so? That's when all the tension, passion and tender gone away?! And there you are, sitting on the opposite sides of the 'circle', barely look at each other, not speaking about your feelings anymore, speaking with each other like you're annoyed with the person you love. LOVE. You said that. I'm disappointed with the way you act like… like it doesn't mean a thing for you…

Enough with it. REGIONALS. Gosshhh! 'Troubletones'! Ahh, these women!! "Glad You Came" was wonderfull, but Blaine and Santana rapping killed me!!! and the 1ST PLACE!! like WOOAAAHH!!!!!!

So, results:

1) Everything is TOO Finchel(!!), i'm really tired of them already! C'mmon show me the others! They DO have lives too!!!

2) Sebastian. I don't believe you, you handsome bastard! But… okay, let it be: Blaine's angry looks or his greeting applause/ sad eyes or handshake. But i just don't think… i mean, Sebastian's a bitch, and this is smth that stays, or although comes out at any time.

3) Q. Please, be anywhere: coma, lethargic sleep or shocked, just STAY ALIVE!! Thank you.


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