09 февраля 2012 года в09.02.2012 13:31 3 0 10 2

To Tell Nothing of the Dog!

I`ve finised torturing Three Men In a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome (I always admired his parents` sense of humor). It must be funny, but it hardly made me smile. Only Montmorency made me a bit hysterical (the memory of that episodes still do), but Monmorency is the dog, that was so unkindly took from front page of the original version of the book. I like the thing, that in Russian translation it`s written "Трое в лодке, не считая собаки ". The men were a lot fun too but I am quite tired of being amused by human stupidity.
So… Three frinends go on a boat trip and get into extremely stupid situations, tell "brutal" made-up stories, etc. I liked George the most (but not for his name, which I still can`t hear or read without jumping up). Harris is like an amoeba (like me when I`m in depression). And J., who is telling the story, is allright, just a foolish man. They talk, talk and talk.
I was reading it for six days! Imagine, how dull it was! I was extremely bored, but I made myself and I`m not sorry for the lost time.
My aunt gave it to me with my favourite Richard Bach`s The Jonathan Livingston Seagull (now everyone tries to give me books in English) and the books are brought from Britain! I was so glad, so pleased, it`s amazing, absolutely everything is written in English, for me it`s the best present.
I`a advice you to red it, because it`s one of those books that should be read by everyone. I hope you`ll like it more than I did. You know, it even had some sensible ideas, some clever thoughts (I was so shocked, when George said quite a sophisticated thing, but it was added in gaps: "George can be sensible sometimes", what made me laugh!).


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