26 января 2012 года в26.01.2012 13:41 0 0 10 5

It's pretty difficult to put into words the way I feel being home. It's amazing to be near close friends and family and to have the ability to see everyone in person instead of on my computer screen during a Skype session! I can't help but feel it's a little bittersweet though, because I miss seeing all of your faces out there. Having the opportunity to do what we do and to share this with all of you is a real gift that I never take for granted and I never will.

The journey we all went on together during "This Is War" was so incredible. We will never forget the moments that make up the two plus years on the road, sharing that album with all of you. Even as I sit here and write this little letter to you all, I start to smile when I think about the very beginning days of promoting the album with all of you here in Los Angeles, on Melrose, in front of The Hive. The humble beginnings of a truly beautiful and amazing experience, an experience that I wouldn't change for anything. All the way to the very last shows in NYC where we all VyRT'ed together, broke a Guinness World Record together, and took over a church for a few days together, and so many incredible experiences in between that we all shared together.

There is a theme here, "together", "family", "Cult", "Army", whatever you want to call it. Just like the experiences of the last two plus years, the future will be no different in this one sense - in the sense that we will usher in a whole new set of experiences together, again, as a family of like-minded individuals who just want to believe, dream, live, die, bleed, fists in the air, eyes to the sky, losing their fucking minds TOGETHER ! I personally can't wait to see what the future holds. Let's see if we can't figure out how to speed up time and get there more quickly!!!

Until we meet again! Love and miss you all so much!!!


Вторую неделю подряд трансимиссия ужасно радует. В прошлый раз, написал Шеннон, в этот - Томо. Надеюсь, на следующей неделе это будет Джаред. Каждое их мини-письмо берёт за душу и ты понимаешь, что тебе не хватает этих сумашедших концертов, и не важно был ли ты когда-нибудь там или нет. Не хватает осознания того, что они в туре, работают, выкладываются для нас. И как написал Томо: "мы откроем целый ряд новых знаний, получим новый опыт вместе, опять же, как семья, единомышленники, которым просто хочется верить, мечтать, жить, умирать, истекать кровью, махать кулаками в воздухе, поднимать глаза к небу, теряя свой здравый разум ВМЕСТЕ !"


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