13 августа 2010 года в13.08.2010 21:40 1 0 10 1

30-day football challenge

1. A favourite league

2. A favourite team

3. A team you dislike the most

4. A national team you are rooting for in the World Cup

5. A favourite World Cup moment(from any year)

6. A national team you dislike the most

7. A favourite manager

8. A favourite defender

11. A favourite goalkeeper

12. The best save

13. The worst referee/refereeing in the game

14. A player you dislike the most

15. A favourite goal

16. A favourite goal celebration

17. A favourite swear word in each game

18. A favourite game

19. The worst game you've watched

20. A favourite quote

21. A favourite manpile/grouphug photo/gif

22. The worst mistake by a player

23. The best sourse of football news

24. An unreliable sourse of football news

25. The worst injury you've seen

26. The best free-kick

27. A player you respect the most(retired or otherwise)

28. A favourite football advert

29. A favourite photo/gif of a player

30. A photo of sportsmanship.

ну что ж, завтра начинаю))


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