19 января 2012 года в19.01.2012 19:10 1 0 10 1
Skip Beat / Extravagant Challenge


Skip Beat a Japanese Shoujo Manga by Yoshiki Nakamura

Kyoko Mogami followed her true love Sho to Tokyo to support him while he made it big as an idol. But he’s casting her out now that he’s famous! Kyoko won’t suffer in silence—she’s going to get her sweet revenge by beating Sho in show biz!

(cr. mangareader.net)

Read the manga here!


(L-R: Ren, Kyoko, Sho)

Recently, another version of this manga is showed in Taiwan, as well as other parts of Asia, starring Ivy Chen as Kyoko, Super Junior’s Choi Siwon as Ren, and Super Junior’s Lee Donghae as Sho.


(L- R) Lee Donghae as Sho, Ivy Chen as Kyoko, Choi Siwon as Ren

I’ll give you my top five reasons why YOU should watch this. :)


1. The things Kyoko does for Sho, is an exaggeration (in a humor-filled way) of the things we do for the one we love. Fangirls, can also relate. ;)


2. Bad guys somewhat attract girls, and this drama has Sho, the I’m-badass-so-get-me-water-and-after-I-sip-my-drink-Imma-leave-like-a-boss character. Super Junior’s sweet little Donghae still looked cute being the bad guy, though. ;)


3. If there’s a bad, and immature character, rest assured that the next guy would be totally opposite. (What’s a shoujo manga without the contrasts, right?) Super Junior’s Choi Siwon really fitted the role of Ren. He just needs to act like himself and be like, “I’m gonna stare at you, and I’m gonna smile, then I’m gonna smile further, and I’m gonna stare at you again, because I’m cool like that.”


4. Ivy Chen’s character, Kyoko, is truly relatable! Admit it or not, we do crazy things for the one we love, and Kyoko is not an exception— in fact she’s the best example of crazy in love!; D And yes, her Sho standee became real. Wicked awesome!



5. It’s a story of the crazy, out-of-this-world things we do for both love and revenge.

Plus! The ending song is sang by Super Junior M. ;)

Here are the links:

Skip Beat Eng Sub Part 1

Skip Beat Eng Sub Part 2

Skip Beat Eng Sub Part 3

And yes, Siwon’s and Donghae’s voices were dubbed, nonetheless, it was great!


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