26 декабря 2011 года в26.12.2011 11:44 3 0 10 1


Good Morning my dear, How are you and every member of your your family today? Hope all is well. Please my name is Mrs Rosalinda Braun from the United States Of America and i am very sorry if this email get to you by surprise since we have not met before. I and my late husband have been involved in humaniterian activities and please I have a good proposal for you which i know will interest you. I and my late husband were married for many years without any child and i do not want my husband's relatioves to know about the existence of this fund because i do not want them to misuse the fund since they are unbelievers. Due to my health problem as a cancer patient, i want to will some money to you for Charity and humaniterian purposes since i have few months to live according to my doctors. Let me know if you are interested to be part of this task by sending any of your email address either in yahoo, hotmail, gmail, yandex or rambler so that i can be able to send you more information on how to recieve the fund through the help of my lawyer who i have entrusted with this fund. May God bless you as i wait to recieve your quick response on my private email address: (mrsbraun75(AT) gmail(DOT) com) . Your sister, Mrs Rosalinda Braun.


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