01 августа 2010 года в01.08.2010 18:26 8 0 10 1

01 Август в 0:49
Sometimes i don t understand you, you say I like you very very much, but I don t understand if you want to see me again, if you want to try to stay with me or if you want to be with another boy. And you say "you are in my heart forever" like if we are not together: (. Yes you can do all what you want but please, if you like me, try to stay with me. because i like you very much and me, i really want to try to see you i dont know when and how, but if we really want, I think we could. I miss you my dana ♥ ♥ I miss your kiss I miss your lips, i miss you skin, I miss talk with you, I miss your hands, your hair, i m sad without you: (. ♥ ♥

01 Август в 13:01
I promess we will see us later: /. What i ask you it s'not "dont look at the boys" its don t kiss another boy please: s. I know its hard for you to stay with the same boyfriend 1, 2, or 3 month. But if we really try and if you like me very much and if i like you very much its possible. ♥ ♥ you said you are my dana, so continue to be ;) . I miss u, ♥. I dont want to like another girl, for the moment its you and only you

вот что он пишет


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все пишет.пишет.

I dont know i hope i can see you in russia or you go in paris, anyway i really want to stay with you ;) ♥ ♥. We will have t...


01 Август в 0:49 Sometimes i don t understand you, you say I like you very very much, but I don t understand if you want to see me again...


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