14 ноября 2011 года в14.11.2011 20:51 8 0 10 1

Notes:need to do

  • Try not to add to food for 2 weeks: Salt and pepper

and you will see that you can eat 2-3 times less food,
within 1-2 weeks the body will cease to swell and get thin in a month significantly
(Only with extra weight).

  • Try not to eat at night and sleep with a hungry stomach
    and within 1-2 weeks you'll start to see the bright light dreams
    and every morning waking up in a good mood and with the inspiration to have something and you will get up every morning fresh, with no lingering desire to stay in bed for half a day.
  • Try not to drink soft drinks or any carbonated beverages purchased in the store
    and you will see how delicious and fresh water
  • Try not to drink coffee and tea for 2 weeks
    and you will see that you are glad that you fall asleep easily and sleep deeply,
    that you have smoothed tense or frowning face wrinkles and all light (or heavy) nervousness went away (or at least reduced by half).
  • Try saying goodbye to the man to stop saying "come / Well. . come on! "
    and you will see how easy and pleasant to say goodbye.
  • Try a week to go and sit with a straight back
    and you will see how better your memory and how much faster you think.
  • Try to lie down in the grass, among the trees, away from cars, people, do not hesitate and you will hear a welcome silence.
  • Try it every time you want to smile passer, even for a few seconds (forgetting "what he might think about you") andwithin a month you will begin to feel everyone familiar and safe.
  • Try 2 weeks talking on the phone just in case
    and you will see that there are 36 hours ina day.
  • Try it for an hour or two before bed turn off the TV andcomputer
    and you begin to see your desires and creative impulses
  • Try it every time you want to do something interesting for you (even if for the first time, though rare and not characteristic of you, but pleasing) immediately anddeduct minutes deliberation and evaluation, and see what you can much more.
  • Try for a person who does not like you, every time when you remember him or her, give htem the most luxurious imaginary (orparticularly good) gift, representing, as they are happy and you will see that they will treat you better as you to him.


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Notes:need to do

Try not to add to food for 2 weeks: Salt and pepper and you will see that you can eat 2-3 times less food, within 1-2 weeks the b...


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