07 ноября 2011 года в07.11.2011 19:51 0 0 10 1

It Sucks

It Sucks
It sucks to wake up late
It sucks having to wait
It sucks looking around and no one knows your name
It sucks that this fucking worlds a game
It sucks that I can’t see any religion with reason
It sucks the change in the season
It sucks that the Sub is a dumb ass
It sucks that I’m overlooked and pass
It sucks that I forgot my towl
It sucks that I just want to howl
It sucks that they get to kiss
It sucks thinking if I would be missed
It sucks knowing I’m not good enough
It sucks having to act tough
It sucks not being able to feel a thing
It sucks not being able to sing
It sucks that I can’t lie
It sucks that I can’t get an answer why
It sucks that I hate to be touched
It sucks to be treated as such
It sucks that I have to be forced
It sucks that I can’t find my life’s course
It sucks being refered to as some chick
It sucks that I’ll never be the one they pick
It sucks that I’m always second best
It sucks that this is how I have to confess
It sucks being weak
It sucks that they see me as meek
It sucks that my best friend walked away
It sucks that today’s Friday
It sucks that no one seems to care
It sucks that this is what people think is fair
It sucks that I have to cry
It sucks that I have to fake it a sigh
It sucks coming home alone
It sucks that I don’t want to answer the phone
It sucks that some ones not here
It sucks that the words on the page will not appear
It sucks that my writing is gone
I sucks that they’ve been gone so long
It sucks that this is all they’ll see
It sucks that only two people fallow me
It sucks that with every breath I’m almost as good as dead
It sucks that that’s what Vivy said
It sucks that I want to cry
And fuck those who think this is only about a guy


Я нахожусь под впечатлением от этого стихотворения.
Настолько правдиво и жизненно.
Слов нет.


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