—Day 01 - Favorite Book (Which of these do you like more?: Ballet Shoes, Harry Potter series, Perks of Being a Wallflower)
—Day 02 - Favorite Movie (Where Emma has appeared)
—Day 03 - The favorite (can be any movie starring Emma) -Day 04 - Favorite Character (can be any film starring Emma)
—Day 05 - Interview with Emma's favorite (Any, where they interviewed Emma)
—Day 06 - favorite dress (the one you like :D)
—Day 07 - Favorite Photoshoot (you put the name of who took the photo or journal name, if applicable.)
—Day 08 - Best photo Photoshoot (The photo that you like, you picked the photoshoot above)
—Day 09 - Best Premiere (A photo of any premiere you like how it goes Emma)
—Day 10 - Best Pose (go where you think beautiful)
—Day 11 - Emma giving an autograph
—Day 12 - Emma young
—Day 13 - Emma Funny (funniest picture of Emma: P)
—Day 14 - Best pose magazine (Emma posing for a magazine)
—Day 15 - Family Watson (Emma with anyone in your family may be his brother Alex, Toby, twin sisters Nina and Lucy or her mother or your stepmother)
—Day 16 - Emma's Assembly (any mount you like)
—Day 17 - Smile Watson (Photo by the best smile on our Emma)
—Day 18 - Best Editing (any edition you like they have done to Emma)
—Day 19 - Imaginary couple (couple invented Emma can be film or any actor)
—Day 20 - Emma Burberry (Any photo of Emma in Burberry)
—Day 21 - Emma Lancôme (Any photo of Emma in Lancome)
—Day 22 - Best Pose Magica (any promotional photo you like, where Emma comes with wand)
—Day 23 - Golden Trio
—Day 24 - The Times Makes The Difference
—Day 25 - Best Portrait of Emma (the one you like the portraits x Mark Demsteader)
—Day 26 - The Most Sexiest (Photo by Emma Sexy: B)
—Day 27 - Best Design (The garment that you like designed by Emma)
—Day 28 - Brown (Photo by Emma Brown University)
—Day 29 - Emma People Tree (Any photo of Emma posing for People Tree)
—Day 30 - Preferred phrase (any phrase that by Emma, either by character or herself)