robsten :
hot-mess :
Day 1: Team Edward or Team Jacob? Why?
Day 2: Favorite Book & Why
Day 3: Favorite movie & why
Day 4: Which do you prefer: the books or the movie?
Day 5: Favorite Character
Day 6: Favorite Twilight scene
Day 7: a Bella moment/scene that you love
Day 8: Favorite New Moon scene
Day 9: an Edward moment/scene that you love
Day 10: Favorite Eclipse scene
Day 11: an Alice and/or Jasper moment/scene that you love
Day 12: Favorite Breaking dawn scene
Day 13: an Emmett and /or Rosalie scene/moment that you love
Day 14 :Did you read Midnight sun? If yes, what did you think of it? Do you still want S.Meyer to publish it?
Day 15: a Jacob moment/scene that you love
Day 16 :Did you read the Bree Tanner story? What did you think of it?
Day 17: Favorite Stephenie Meyer book
Day 18: an Esme and/or Carlisle scene/moment that you love
Day 19: Favorite action scene
Day 20: Favorite love scene
Day 21: A scene that makes you happy
Day 22: A scene that made your heart skip a beat
Day 23: Are you a Twihard?
Day 24: Favorite Twilight actor/actress
Day 25: Favorite Reneesme moment/scene that you love
Day 26: Favorite Werewolf
Day 27: Favorite Vampire
Day 28: Favorite quote
Day 29: A Twilight fan fiction or fan video
Day 30: A Twilight cast picture/fan art.