Вводные и завершающие слова. Много. Часть 1.
first of all -прежде всего
First of all, Dr Zoidberg, do you even have a medical degree?
deep down - в глубине души (на самом деле)
I have misgivings about this mission, but deep down, I know we're doing the right thing
by the way - кстати
And by the way, Sherman didn't even get laid.
in short / in brief / in a word - короче
In short: I think it's time to start talking about a divorce.
as to / as for - что касается
As for why they didn't film in Scotland, no idea, probably a budget issue.
for one's part / on one's part - что касается конкретного человека
I know for my part that I'd surrender everything, honor included, in order to get out of the mess.
in my opinion - по моему мнению
That's awful, in my opinion.
believe it or not - веришь или нет, но
Believe it or not, I have more important things to do today than laugh and clap my hands.
look here - послушай
Look here, Fillmore, what is it you'd really like to do? Tell me!
above all - прежде всего
But above all it made me think about things.
in all probability / in all likelihood - по всей вероятности
February 13th, 2001, was in all probability a day neither more nor less amazing than any other day
needless to say - нет нужды говорить
My father and I don't get along; he doesn't approve of my lifestyle and, needless to say, I don't approve of his.
something tells me - что-то мне подсказывает, …
Something tells me I could easily beat those trained professionals.
after all - в конце концов
I didn't think you'd show your face around me again. I figured you were humiliated. You did run away, after all.
what's more - кроме того
I would say: "Sure! Sure, I'm in love with her! And what's more, I'm going to be faithful to her! "
the thing is - дело в том,
Well, the thing is, I don't want to stay at any hotels on the East Side where I might run into some acquaintances of mine.
for the most part - вообще
For the most part the members of this genealogical tree look like withered leaves: the women are frail and they have a startled, frightened look in their eyes: the men have a keen, intelligent look, like educated chimpanzees.
for example / for instance / for one thing - например, …
For one thing, it was Nin's husband's money that financed her freewheeling lifestyle.
I dare say - осмелюсь сказать, …
He was the most brilliant man I have ever known -- and I dare say people have envied me for sharing that flat with him in Baker
In other words - другими словами,
In other words, he's a gangster.
if I'm not mistaken - если я не ошибаюсь
If I'm not mistaken, there are two attack helicopters headed this way.
if I remember rightly - если я правильно помню
He showed us a bottle he had in his pocket -- "Venetienne" it was called, if I remember rightly.
at least - по крайней мере
At least now I know what the hell has happened.
at any rate - во всяком случае
At any rate, I certainly wouldn't harm the child.
on the contrary - наоборот
In point of fact, nothing at all was going to be just fine. On the contrary, everything was going to be bad.
for all / for all that - тем не менее
No one can doubt your courage; but Michael and I will see you home for all that.
I wonder… - интересно
I wonder why Cartman wasn't in school today.
just for the record - для справки, скажу сразу
And for the record, I ain't really gay.
as things stand now - при текущем положении дел…
As things stand now, the chance of your ride being "hacked" is nearly non existent.
not to mention - не говоря уж о том
You've done nicely for yourself, Evan. Nice friends, nice life, not to mention you're fucking my sister.
to say nothing of - не говоря уж о
It's not the behavior of a gentleman. To say nothing of the waste of time.
as things turned out - как оказалось
As things turned out, he went directly from the chateau to the home of Ginette's parents.
it turned out that - оказалось, что
My father was arrested for running a red light in his hometown. It turned out that he hadn't had a driver's license for twenty years!
or what? - или как?
So… do we talk about this… or what?
or whatever - или что-то ещё
Sarah. I wouldn't go telling stories or whatever about you. I promise.
and so on / and so forth - и так далее
The first is excellent, the second one was better than the first and the third one will be better than the second and so on.
and all - и всё такое
You gotta understand something, Winston. I want to help you guys out and all, but that's my best linen.
to sum up - подводя итог…
To sum up, globally we are tracking or doing even worse than the Great Depression, whether the metric is industrial production, exports or equity valuations.
That's the way things are going. - Вот так обстоят дела.
in fact - на самом деле
In fact it's the only example of such unprecedented behaviour by an Emperor.
to one's mind - на чей-то взгляд
A very old-fashioned idea to my mind.
one way of another - так или иначе
Most of us are freaks in one way or another.
in a nutshell - вкратце
Major Reed, in a nutshell, we start from A, and we hope we find out everything we need before we get to Z.
in the long run - в конечном счёте
Courage is more exhilarating than fear and in the long run, it is easier.
in any event - в любом случае
In any event, his was the only ship to do it and I believe he lost fifty percent of his crew.
at first - во-первых
Ok, so, sure, it sounds like a fairly good idea, at first.
in any case - в любом случае
In any case, when hacking or computer skills are needed, Ed is there.
ay it on the line - говорить начистоту
I'm gonna go in there, march straight up to the manager, look at him straight in the eye, lay it on the line, and - I can't do it!
that is to say - иначе говоря
That is to say, we know things we don’t know anything about.
that's flat - и всё! (окончательное решение)
You can't go and that's flat!
let alone - не говоря уж о
Davids sister would have never kissed Jack, let alone in public.
for one thing - первым делом
Well, for one thing, so you can stop taking out your rage on innocent.
to say the truth - по правде сказать
Although to say the truth, I am convinced within myself that your father had no idea of your giving them money.
at a glance - с первого взгляда
But at a glance, the car will appear to be normal.
as a matter of fact - собственно говоря
As a matter of fact, since you hired Mary Poppins, the most extraordinary thing seems to have come over the household.