25 июня 2010 года в25.06.2010 20:19 12 0 10 1

секс в большом городе:

Carrie: The longer I sat at that table the more alone I felt and it really hit me, I am thirty-five and alone.

Miranda: You are not alone.

Carrie: No, I know I have you guys. I hate myself a little for saying this but… (starts to get emotional) it felt really sad not to have a man in my life who cares about me. No special guy to wish me happy birthday. (the girls nod, all looking upset) No goddamn soulmate… and I don’t even know if I believe in soulmates.

Charlotte :Don’t laugh at me, but maybe we could be each other’s soulmates. And then we could let men be just these great nice guys to have fun with.


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MAXIM13 — [goodnight]


чудо чудесное :D

fbaby : sweetgame : nikazagurskaya : romanovich :



Я верю тебя. - сарказм ну тому что с сигаретой в зубах и бутылкой пива в руке, с немытой головой и брекетами, да конечно, есть поговорка...


вот и совершеннолетие



Хроники Ридика

скоро будет фотоотчет нашего лета.


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секс в большом городе:

Carrie: The longer I sat at that table the more alone I felt and it really hit me, I am thirty-five and alone. Miranda: You are not alo...