18 августа 2011 года в18.08.2011 09:04 0 0 10 1

Hathaway - There's something better

If I screamed, would you come and wake me from this dream?
I know there's something better to be safe.
I need someone to take my breath away.
And I know there's something better.

If I cry for you, would you take away my tears?
If I reach out to you? Will it finally bring you here?
If I fall down on my knees? Would you hear my prayer and rescue me?
I know there's something better.

Is this fate? Am I destined just to stay here in this place?
It can't go on forever in your arms.
At last I know I'm right where I belong.
As the pieces come together.

If I cry for you, would you take away my tears?
If I reach out to you? Will it finally bring you here?
If I fall down on my knees? Would you hear my prayer and rescue me?
I know there's something better.

Oh, to be safe, I need someone to take my breath away.
As the pieces come together, if I

If I cry for you, would you take away my tears?
If I reach out to you? Will it finally bring you here?
If I fall down on my knees? Would you hear my prayer and rescue me?
I know there's something better.

If I cried to thus, would you think the worst of me?
And if I speak of love would you wake me from this dream?
And now I'm down on my knees.
Will you take my hand and rescue me?
I know there's something better.


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Мечты, мечты

Я тоже всегда таскаю телефон в руках :D Мы так похожи! Мы просто обязаны быть вместе!


Много старинных фотографий

http://turnofthecentury.tumblr.com/ London, 1899


Интересная информация об английских именах и фамилиях

http://baracudaj.diary.ru/p165665917.htm#more1 Надо будет не забыть почитать на досуге.


Список наиболее употребительных фамилий в Англии

Alien/Allan, Anderson, Bailey, Baker, Bennett, Brown, Carter, Clarck, Cook, Cooper, Doyle, Evans, Green, Harrison, Hill, Jackson, James, ...


Не могла удержаться

Стащила постер с Бенедиктом из сообщества на дайри.ру. "Шпион, выйди вон!" выходит в Великобритании через месяц. Жду с нетерпением. *___*


Hathaway - There's something better

If I screamed, would you come and wake me from this dream? I know there's something better to be safe. I need someone to take my breath...