1. Which movie is your favorite?
2. Favorite Autobot
3. Least favorite Autobot
4. Favorite Decepticon
5. Least favorite Decepticon
6. Favorite human
7. Least favorite human
8. Cast member you most want to meet
9. Favorite mini robot (named or unnamed)
10. Most epic/coolest scene
11. Funniest scene
12. Saddest scene
13. Scene that made you mad
14. Vehicle you most want (aircraft included)
15. Favorite Optimus quote
16. Favorite Megatron quote
17. Favorite Bumblebee quote
18. Favorite Sam quote
19. Favorite quote from an extra/lesser character
20. Favorite Linkin Park song from the movies (What I’ve Done, New Divide, Iridescent)
21. What you’d say to any/all of the Autobots
22. What you’d say to any/all of the Decepticons
23. Choose a side: Autobots or Decepticons?
24. Favorite villain: Megatron, The Fallen, or Sentinel Prime?
25. Mikaela or Carly?
26. The Cube or the Matrix?
27. Have you ever cried while watching any of the movies?
28. Should there be a fourth movie?
29. Favorite Transformers gif
30. Why do you love the Transformers movies?