Stefan: Alright, come here.
Caroline: She hates me. Bonnie hates me.
Stefan: No, no, no… she’s just in shock. We all are, okay?
Caroline: And what about Matt? What am I supposed to do about Matt?
Stefan: Shhh… let’s just get this blood cleaned off. Come on.
Caroline: I’m a murderer. I’m a monster.
Stefan: Look at me, your emotions are heightened right now. It’s part of the transformation. It’s completely normal. I promise you, okay?
Caroline: Why does this keep happening to my face? I’m hideous!
Stefan: Caroline, look at me. Look at me. Caroline… look at me. Look at me, look at me! Look at my face, look at my face, shhh… look. Look, see? See that? Now, when you feel the blood rush in, you tell yourself that you’re gonna get through it. That you’re strong enough… yes, yes. No matter how good it feels to give yourself over to it, you fight it off. You bury it. Watch me, watch me… it’s the only way you’re gonna survive this thing. Try. Shhh, try. That’s good.
Caroline: Why did Katherine do this to me?
Stefan: I don’t know. I wish I did. Hey…I promise you I will not let anything happen to you. Come here.
я за эту пару, если форвуда не будет.