11 июня 2011 года в11.06.2011 21:52 16 0 10 2

Remorse or If Snape was late. Раскаяние или Если бы Снейп не успел. by frida.zabini

- Good evening, Draco.

- Good evening,. . professor, - the last word came with a great difficulty.

The portraits on the walls where headmasters and headmistresses of Hogwarts were painted started to whisper.

- Colleagues, it seems to me that this young man need a talk, – said Dumbledore and the silence set in the room immediately. - May I ask you to leave us alone for a time, please?

Draco felt blamed glances at himself, but he didn’t have enough courage to look at his headmaster’s eyes. He was scared to see blame and disappointment in them.

When the boy made himself to raise his head, he saw that portraits’ frames empty.

- Would you like to sit down, Draco? – Dumbledore’s voice sounded in the room silence chilly and indifferently.

Nervously looked at the chair opposite headmaster’s portrait, Malfoy nodded shortly and took the seat.

What did he want to say? What did he can? Ask for forgiveness? Not true. How can you ask for something like that a man you killed? Nonsense. But it was a moment to tell the truth.

- I’m sorry.. I think I am, - said Draco in a low voice. – I didn’t want to kill you.

It seemed this boy thought enough about every word he said. Dumbledore was silent.

- I thought I‘ll feel better when I do it. I thought It would be easier.. after all. Right here..

He brought his hand to his chest.

- But it only hurts me now… so deadly…

Dumbledore was keeping silence for a couple of minutes.

- Remorse.. – he said quietly then. – Your soul will be free.

Malfoy raised his head too sharply.

- What do you mean? – he asked in a different voice.

Hogwarts’ headmaster was silent again, now – much more longer. Time was hanging heavy to the boy who needed answers. And the only man who could give learned his own hands. The best time he found, really!

Finally, Dumbledore began to talk. His speech was short.

- May be you remember my words there, at the Astronomical Tower, Draco? Years ago I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices. Dear boy, you killed a man, but you’re no more considered to be a murderer. Voldemort was always free from remorse, and now I’m so glad to see you chose right. All of us make mistakes, but it needs courage to correct them.

You was chosen to kill. And I was chosen to be killed. I’m only sorry and so deadly that Severus was late. Terribly late, I mean. It all could be different.

You should know, Draco: Voldemort's order can be cancelled or changed… But the Death.. Its orders are not considered to be discussed. If the Death made its choice, noone can resist, even the most powerful wizard. Choices..choices..

Mumbling, Dumbledore leaned his elbows on the armchair's back and looked above Malfoy's head through the opened window. The horizon was becoming red. The dawn was beginning.

- Yon know, Draco, I'm so pleased, my portrait is opposite the window, - said Dumbledore a couple of seconds later. - This world is so beautiful in its nature face.

Draco Malfoy stood up his chair and came to the window. Light wind made boy's blond hair shiver. Another dawn was seen by two so different people, who had one pain. Today the pain stepped back, giving the place to calm and forgiveness.


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Remorse or If Snape was late. Раскаяние или Если бы ...

- Good evening, Draco. - Good evening,. . professor, - the last word came with a great difficulty. The portraits on the walls where h...