08 июня 2011 года в08.06.2011 03:38 5 0 10 1

I wanna be one of those girls that are beautiful. I wanna be one of those girls that get 50+ likes on their profile pictures. I wanna be one of those girls that have a best friend by their side always. I wanna be one of those girls that when a guy looks at her they think "wow she's beautiful". I wanna be one of those girls that hang out with their friends every weekend. I wanna be one of those girls that gets 50 texts a day. I wanna be one of those girls that people say hi to in the halls. I wanna be one of those girls that can walk around feeling confident. I wanna be one of those girls that is well-liked. I wanna be one of those girls that have amazing clothes. I wanna be one of those girls that people tell them how beautiful they are. Well you know what, I'm never gonna be one of those girls so I'm just gonna have to suck it


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Если Кэмерон Диас выйдет замуж за Джеймса Кэмерона,т...

sashkinagirl : karina-corso : cherry-baby : frozen : sacred : mrswillcherry : barnes : ...


I wanna be one of those girls that are beautiful. I wanna be one of those girls that get 50+ likes on their profile pictures. I wanna be ...


единственная вещь, на которую ты можешь положиться -...

sashkinagirl : clairefox : -vodka : (via sashkaaa )


обожаю этот фильм ♥

ramos : chizhevskaya :


я думаю, у каждого ностальгия по этому времени ;)

ramos : minina : fuck-california : helicopter : off : maggie : sofiko14 : lalyona : ...


Ты - после того как выключил весь свет в доме:

ihateubitch :