20 мая 2010 года в20.05.2010 17:39 16 0 10 1

I’ve seen a thousand of complains on tumblr and other web sites about the change in the looks of the band. That Bill doesn’t have his hair like before (And when he was in Rette Mich time, wich kind of hair style did he have?), that Tom has cut his dreadlocks (Maybe they were too much weight and they were giving him headache or maybe he just needed a change), that Gustav is fat (he had an appendicitis a complicated one –almost a peritonitis – they didn’t let him work himself because of medical reasons, or do you want to see him with his intestines out?), that Georg has a girlfriend (Good for you, Geo. You aren’t afraid to love) And those people that make themselves be called fans, fangirls. No, fandom. That’s not the way. Tokio Hotel members are humans just like us. They have the right to change, to evolve. To live their life and if they want to. To express their changes through their hairstyles and clothes. They are not collection dolls that we can have on our bedrooms or zoo animals that we don’t let be free. They give us their music and joy. Their smiles and practically their lives; we can let them breathe and if they want to change so do it. After all, they have the right. THEY ARE HUMANS. This is my opinion. This is what I think.


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