Damon: Katherine?
Elena: What? No, hey, It’s me, It’s Elena.
Damon: Elena?.. Ah! It hurts.
Elena: Damon It’s okay, everything is gonna be okay. I’m here, now, with you.
Damon slammed against a wooden pole, Elena.
Elena: Damon!
Damon: Katherine, why do choose Stefan? Why everyone that I love choose Stefan? Please, tell me that you love me more.
Elena: Damon…
Damon kissed her passionately, she returned the kiss, didn’t react. Damon, hurting, stopped to kiss her and he finally recognize who he kissed.
Damon: El..
He couldn’t finish what he was going to say, when he fell to the ground. Elena had tears in her eyes, and she couldn’t stop them. She threw herself on Damon, and stroked his hair.
Elena: I love you… more
She whispered in his ear.