03 мая 2010 года в03.05.2010 18:17 5 0 10 1

I don't want to feel neglected…But I also think that to avoid it would be very difficult for me. Summer. In America. The problem is that I would be there without friends and my family, and without him. It would be a very difficult summer. And I hope, that it would be just difficult, nothing more. I hope it wouldn't be awful.


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I don't want to feel neglected…But I also think that to avoid it would be very difficult for me. Summer. In America. The problem is...



Слово, много несущее в себе. Веселье, радость, праздники, совместное сумасхождение, шутки, подтрунивания, собрания, подарки, дни рождения...



Люди пьют.Ужс.