15 марта 2011 года в15.03.2011 17:44 6 0 10 1


riends of the evil bad very well, not very great evil I really liked the girl she very savershenstvo =
but she was not pleased that I appeared in her head well, so I think zlitsa do not need to discuss and weigh all ok!
Well this is what love is pichalno 12-15 evil once well as evil spit on everything that they no different niznayu even have a vanillae and can she?
it would be very good and we'd chatted with her
Well then sorry and sad I do not know maybe she wants so I do not know, but I would like her to get acquainted yulizhe but totzhe moment as it does not want Mr. pogovaryu she Ceres vasprimit and not a bad thing, I do not vsrichal such beautiful but she samoideal I had no luck to her pofigu (


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riends of the evil bad very well, not very great evil I really liked the girl she very savershenstvo = but she was not pleased that I ap...