07 марта 2011 года в07.03.2011 18:24 1 0 10 2

Hey guys, it’s me, Demi. I wanted to send you guys a message because I know you’ve seen me out and about, and I wanted to let you know that I am back and home.. welcome to my home. But I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for your support that you guys have given me along the way. Um, I read all of the tweets, the trending topics, and the fan mail, and your support, is what got me through this. So I couldn’t me more thankful for everything that you guys sent me. The journey that I’ve been on has been very very difficult over the past few months. I was dealing with issues, that I know not only girls just my age but of all ages are dealing with. People that are probably watching this video right now, are dealing with the issues that I had, too. And I hope one day to raise awareness of everything, so that I can help people, too, just like you guys helped me through this rough time. I can’t tell you how much light you guys brought into my life and probably the darkest time of my life, and without you guys, I wouldn’t be here today. I wanted to let you guys know that I’m excited to get back to work. I can’t wait to tell you guys what the future holds, I can’t wait to see you in person, and thank you guys individually, I love you all. And I couldn’t have done this without you.


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