
Это просто Вьюи блог

Дата регистрации: 06 июля 2012 года

Персональный блог MARTINASPRING — Это просто Вьюи блог

1. Stay up all night

2. Have a picnic at a local park

3. Have an overnight movie marathon

4. Create a photo journal

5. Swap a favourite book with a friend and read it

6. Make a friendship bracelet and gift it to a friend

7. Watch the sunrise

8. Watch the sunset

9. Make a water fight

10. Dress like gangsters and walk through the streets

11. Find a fountain and fill it with soap

12. Bury a friend with a sand

13. Make a CD and of your favourite summer songs

14. Buy a Water Gun

15. Read 5 books

16. Take up a hobby you never thought you would

17. Wear something totally inappropriate & go dancing

18. Drink cocktails & listen to Duffy

19. Make at least one new friend

20. Buy a fabulous sun-hat


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