.please,shut up
Персональный блог MARINA-ALDRIDGE — .please,shut up
Персональный блог MARINA-ALDRIDGE — .please,shut up
Day 1 - Your favourite Eminem song
Day 2 - Your least favourite Eminem song
Day 3 - A song from Eminem that makes you happy
Day 4 - A song from Eminem that makes you sad
Day 5 - A song from Eminem that reminds you of someone
Day 6 - A song from Eminem that reminds you of somewhere
Day 7 - A song from Eminem that reminds you of a certain event
Day 8 - A song from Eminem you know all the words to
Day 9 - A song from Eminem you can dance to
Day 10 - A song from Eminem that makes you fall asleep
Day 11 - A song from your favourite album of Eminem
Day 12 - A song from your least favourite album of Eminem
Day 13 - A song from Eminem that is a guilty pleasure
Day 14 - A song from Eminem that no one would expect to love it
Day 15 - A song from Eminem that describes you
Day 16 - A song from Eminem you used to love but now hate
Day 17 - A song from Eminem you hear often on radio
Day 18 - A song from Eminem that you wish you hear on radio
Day 19 - A song from Eminem you listen to when you’re happy
Day 20 - A song from Eminem you listen to when you’re sad
Day 21 - A song from Eminem you would like to play at your wedding
Day 22 - A song from Eminem you would like to play at your funeral
Day 23 - A song from Eminem that makes you laugh
Day 24 - A song from Eminem that makes you cry
Day 25 - A song from Eminem that you wish you could sing
Day 26 - A song from Eminem that makes you feel guilty
Day 27 - A song from Eminem that reminds you of your childhood
Day 28 - A favourite song from Eminem this time last year
Day 29 - A song from Eminem that motivates you
Day 30 - A song from Eminem with best lyrics

Phoebe: Smelly cat, smell-ly cat, what are they feeding you? Everybody!
Todos: Smelly cat, smelly cat. It's not your fault.
Phoebe: Monica!
Monica: They won't take you to the vet!
Phoebe: Chandler!
Chandler: You're obviously not their favorite pet.
Phoebe: Joey!
Joey: You may not be a bed of roses!
Phoebe: Rachel!
Rachel: And you're no friend to those with noses!
Phoebe: Uh, Ross, these are the only lines we have, sorry. Ok, you guys, once more.
Танцуя балет:


1. Britney Spears is not the Britney Spears mentioned in the bible.
2. She is highly intelligent, rather shy and retiring.
3. Her ambition is to be a nun.
4. She is not interested in publicity.
5. To make her breasts, Madame Tussauds Waxworks in London had to melt down both Lilo AND Stitch.
6. Her tongue is over six feet long.
7. Britney has failed her driving test 85 times because her feet don’t reach the pedals.
8. Britney has been secretly growing a moustache for 10 years – but she keeps it secret from her fans (and her father).
9. Her favourite food is flies.
10. Britney can’t really sing and all her vocals have to be dubbed by Paris Hilton.
1. A unicorn, without a horn, is simply a magical horse.
2. Unicorns are known to bite. Hard.
3. Nicolas Cage owns six unicorns.
4. Unicorns are very rare (when cooked)
5. Unicorns are born with both male and female genitalia.
6. A unicorn will mate for life. But just as friends.
7. Unicorns still live in segregated neighborhoods. It's sad, but true.
8. To film the unicorn-related scene in "Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone", they spent six years tracking down the perfect unicorn.
9. And six seconds killing it.
10. A unicorn without testicles is called a "eunuchorn".
11. In 2009, "Darnell" surpassed "Sugarlumps" as the most popular name for unicorns.
12. During courtship, the female unicorn is always, always, the one who sues for half his stuff.
13. When migrating south for the winter, most unicorns go to Kenya.
14. The name "unicorn" is actually TOO ironic. If you feed a unicorn actual corn, it will die a terribly painful death.
15. Much like horses are processed to make glue, unicorns are processed to make super glue. If you think about it, it makes so much sense.
16. In their spare time, unicorns really like to curse, play online poker, and smoke cigars while on a motorcycle.
17. Muffinhumps, the world's oldest unicorn, was actually a bit of an asshole.
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