[23:04:07] no choice: бля у меняя ваще дома член
[23:04:11] no choice: ничо пожрать нету
[23:04:11] no choice :)
[23:04:18] Takumi-kun: жри член
[23:04:18] Takumi-kun :)
[23:06:30] no choice: окей

Несколько заповедей, которые стали для меня главными в связи с событиями, произошедшими за последний месяц:

*никогда не сочувствуй

*никогда не пытайся помочь кому-либо

*будь твёрдым и бесчувственным как камень

*держи всё в себе крепко

Если ты будешь выполнять эти простые правила, то в скором времени привратишься в конченого мудака. но зато никто не будет ебать тебе мозги.

Minor Threat - I don't wanna hear it

Emmure - 10 signs you should leave

Wolfbrigade - In darkness you feel no regrets

Sportfreunde Stiller - Antinazibund

The F.U.'s - F.U.

Choking Victim - Suicide (A better way)

Misfits - Hybrid moments

The Clash - Train in vain

Fireworks - Detroit

Four Year Strong - Heroes get remembered, legends never die

Falling from a second story window
Patterns collide when i hit the ground
Remind me never to look down again

Come on come on dance it up
Get on the dance floor and bring it all night

Don't think it was never the words you said
Don't speak, I prefer when you're quiet
All we ever do is start a riot
We joined forces (but we'll never sing!)
The same song alike

Our tears will tell (our lives!)
We'll never live forever (it's time to tell!)
Our stories

This will be our hearts ripped dropped down on stone again
Load up your guns, let's take this (outside!)
Into the wilderness, out in the valley of the great unknown
(Out where there's no coming back!)

Sweet 16 held a brighter outlook
We bounced and we danced with every step that we took
(We grew apart!)
But now we're older and grown up
The bounce in our step has completely dried up

Our tears will tell (our lives!)
We'll never live forever (it's time to tell!)
Our stories

This will be our hearts ripped dropped down on stone again
Load up your guns, let's take this (outside!)
Into the wilderness, out in the valley of the great unknown
(Out where there's no coming back!)

(We'll take this to our graves)
Those words will never change
Don't bring it back up, let's keep this buried
(Those things) will never happen again
Never listened to a single word we ever said
And this is where the story ends, our hearts were never broken

We've been falling from the starting of the first day me met (first day we met!)
Burnt our bridges down (we'll burn our bridges down!)

Types of Headaches

The single most frequent kind is the muscle-tension headache. When people are under stress, the muscles in their shoulders, neck, forehead, and scalp tend to tighten up. Prolonged stress can lead to prolonged muscle contraction, which causes muscle-tension headaches. Such headaches usually come gradually. They are characterized by dull, steady pain on both sides of the head and by feelings of tightness or pressure.

Most other types of headaches, including the severe migraine headaches, stem from changes in the blood supply to the head (Welch, 1993). Migraine headaches are intensely painful. They are caused by a two-stage process that begins with the constriction, or narrowing, of the arteries that supply blood to the brain. This constriction of the arteries often produces warning signals that a migraine headache is coming. These signals include dizziness, a flushed feeling, visual problems, and sometimes a sense of unusual odors. Little or no pain may be felt at this stage.

In the second stage of migraine headaches, the arteries dilate, or expand. The expanding arteries press on nerve endings that surround the arteries, producing the great pain associated with migraine headaches. The migraines themselves often include sensitivity to light, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, loss of balance, and significant changes in mood. Migraine headaches tend to come on suddenly and are characterized by intense throbbing on one side of the head. Migraine headaches may be caused by a change in air pressure (such as the change in atmospheric pressure that occurs before a thunderstorm), pollen, hormonal changes connected with menstruation, certain drugs, monosodium glutamate (MSG), chocolate, and aged cheeses (Brody, 1992). They can occur at any age but usually being when people are between the ages of 10 and 30.


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