
Princess. Becoming Queen.

Дата регистрации: 21 августа 2010 года

Выделяйся телом, делом и в целом.

Безумно люблю:
фильмы с Одри Хепберн
Блэр Уолдорф
Йена Сомерхолдера
красивые платья
Лейтон Мистер
Одри Хепберн
Николь Шерзингер
Стремлюсь к совершенству.

Обновление блога: раз в неделю.

Oh my my my Leighton. What can I say? This woman makes me speechless. She’s definitely my role model in just everything. I really love her style, she can wear whatever she wants, it looks always amazing. Her singing voice sounds very shy and calmy, and actually that isn’t the type of voice I like, although I love hers, I love her music. And I really can’t get enough of it. So by the way, I’m really looking forward to her hopefully upcoming album. I love watching her on Gossip Girl as Blair Waldorf. I guess Blair or well Leighton is the only reason why I love this series so much. I enjoy her watching in interviews, seeing new photos of her. Amazing! Oh oh oh, I just understand now, that I can’t get enough of Leighton in any way. I’m like addicted to her. Great, I’m scared by myself now. haha! Now just the meeting is missing, I wanna meet up with her so bad. Okay, stop dreaming. Well, this is my promise to Leighton: I will always be your fan, always love and adore you tons! Yesss.


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