
Princess. Becoming Queen.

Дата регистрации: 21 августа 2010 года

Выделяйся телом, делом и в целом.

Безумно люблю:
фильмы с Одри Хепберн
Блэр Уолдорф
Йена Сомерхолдера
красивые платья
Лейтон Мистер
Одри Хепберн
Николь Шерзингер
Стремлюсь к совершенству.

Обновление блога: раз в неделю.

Chuck: I’ll give you the money to start whatever foundation you want.
Blair: It won’t change anything. Anne’s right, as long as I am with you… I am Hillary in the White House and I want to be Hillary Secretary of State but with better hair.
Chuck: Then you’ll find another way to show the world you’re a force to be reckoned with. But our future is together.
Blair: I followed my heart all last year and it led me nowhere. Now I need to follow my head.
Chuck: You don’t need to choose between them. Look at Brad and Angelina, they take turns being on top.
Blair: Yeah, but she won an Oscar first. I’m sorry but I have to be Blair Waldorf before I can be Chuck Bass’ girlfriend.
Chuck: I love you.
Blair: I love you too. I don’t expect you to wait.
Chuck: If two people are meant to be together, eventually they will find their way back.
Blair: Do you really believe that?
Chuck: I do.
Blair: So do I.

Blair:”As much as I find K.C. personally abhorrent, she’s right about black and white. It’s decent rather than decadent.”
Chuck:”Did you have something more devious in mind?”
Blair:”Saints and sinners has a nice feel.”
Chuck:”There is something alluring about an angel drawn to the dark side.”
Blair:”Or a devil redeemed.”
Blair:”A masquerade. Where inhibitions can’t help but break free.”
Chuck:”I’ll let K.C. and Gossip Girl know.”


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