
my blueberry nights& mornings after

Дата регистрации: 11 ноября 2009 года

мне 17. я верю в Бога. я живу в сша. я стараюсь стать вегетарианцем. я уже, наверное, не стану архитектором.
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cmon, you know that you never gonna stop loving me.
you know that you always gonna be jealous of me.
you know that you always gonna want me.
you know that we never gonna break up.
this will last forever.. i know that, thank You.

be proud that you are russian. im russian and i moved to usa last year, and honestly, every single person i met said something like "youre from russia?!?!? that is so cool!!!" never forget where you from and always be proud of it.

cuz its actually reeeally cool to be russian no matter what no matter where ;)

plz read this blog, plz go on other pages, most of them are in english so you could read it one day. no matter what your choice will be, im letting you know that it was real from my side, and if you dont want me in your life, then ok. i love you

hi allen

i just sent you a message with a link on my blog -- its my blog ahahh

its all about you and i just wanted to show it to you

i dont know if we are going to be together or not because i gave you time untill 12 tomorrow to call me

i hope you going to call me…

i hope so

i love you

im so tired… my eyes are closing…
switched from adv. geometry to honors and same with biology. i dont know what im gonna do now. but i need to study and study alot. i need to sleep. i dont want anything.

i miss him so much, first time in a while i reeeeeally want to see him, touch him, kiss him
i love you
i have to go to do my hw..


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