

Дата регистрации: 26 февраля 2011 года

*~VIEWY FAMOUS~* H8 us cuz u 8nt us F☭CK
our name is denzel 17/GQ/san francisco california we use first person plural pronouns because we feel like it also we’re royalty

Man in motherland Russia find door. Very cold. Open door. Light come on. Close door. Light go out. Open door. Light come on. Close door. Light go out. Was refrigerator. Man has no food. Starves to death in street like dog.

Jewish man in Russia meet old friend in snow. Old friend ask, why you have not emigrate to Israel? Jewish man say what for. I can feel bitter without moving one inch. Neither man laugh. Jewish man returns home. Jewish man found hanging from rafter next morning. Leave whole family in debt. Dog dies of starvation. No one laugh.

Russian man meet lady of evening in red light district. Have sex. Man is putting shoes on. Woman upset. She say “you are forget about money!” Man say “It on the house.” He have no money. Woman’s pimp kill man. Wife and kids find him in the snow with throat slit. Lady of evening go hungry that night. Die of venereal diseases twelve days later. No one comes to funeral.

Rabbit is running in Russian forest. Meet wolf. Wolf say what for is this haste. Rabbit say the camels are being rounded up. Wolf say but you are no camel. Rabbit say after you have been rounded up you try and prove you are not camel! Share hearty laugh. Wolf rip rabbit limb from limb and devour him. Hunter come along, shoot wolf. Wolf bleed to death. Hunter sit in snow gnawing wolf meat. Not nutritious. Hunter catch scurvy, dead before spring.

Man is drunk in Russian street. He relieve himself on lamp post. Stopped by KGB agent. KGB agent say public toilet only twenty five feet away. Drunken man say he cannot aim that far. Start to laugh. KGB agent take him away. He is never seen again. Family disappear two months later. No one ask where. You do not ask the KGB agent.

Man is drunk in Russian street. Cannot walk. Liver failure. Slowly killing himself and family with alcohol. Only thing that numb the pain. He leans against a fence while he walks. Must make it home. Trips over other drunk. Second drunk is lying in snow. First drunk say you are a disgrace lying around like pig. Second drunk say we see what you do when you run out of fence! First drunk run out of fence. Lie in snow. Cold envelops him. Slowly sinks into soft embrace of death. With last breath in body curses cruelty of motherland Russia. Body chewed on by stray dogs. Stray dogs chewed on by stray men. Such is life in Moscow.


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Man is drunk in Russian street. He relieve himself on lamp post. Stopped by KGB agent. KGB agent say public toilet only twenty five feet ...



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