

я когда смотрела, думала что это правда
счастья было полные штаны.
ну когда они уже в реале так сделают??)

Эрик + Суки !!!



Oh, I’ll take really good care of her…

Damon: How you doing back there?
Alaric: Leave her alone.
Damon: You know, this whole pretending to hate me thing is getting a little silly.
Alaric: I don’t think she’s pretending.. You did kill her brother..
Damon: There is a huge asterisk next to that statement.. He came back to life.
Elena: Yeah. Thanks to a ring that you didn’t know he was wearing.
Damon: Why are you so sure I didn’t know?
Elena: Did you?
Damon: Yes!
Elena: You’re lying
Damon: Elena, I saw the ring. Big tacky thing. . It’s hard to miss.

Damon: Pull it out. I can’t reach it, Elena. Just pull the damn thing out. It hurts.
Damon: That bitch is dead!
Elena: Uh, you’re not going to kill her
Damon: Watch me!
Elena: You touch her and i swear I will never speak to you again
Damon: What makes you think that has any power over me? ‘Cause i took an arrow in the back for you? You are severely overstimating yourself
Elena: Right. I forgot that I was speaking to a psychotic mind who snaps and kills people impulsively. Fine. Go ahead. Do whatever you want.
Damon: You’re trying to manipulate me
Elena: If by “manipulate” you mean the truth, ok. Guilty. OK!


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