OFFLINE – 04.12.2021 23:05


Дата регистрации: 19 июля 2010 года

Персональный блог ELLEMILANO — ellemilano


— You need to hear the truth, Bella. Understand all you options. And you need to know, that i'm in love with you. And I want you to choose me instead of him.

— I don't feel that way for you.

— You feel something else for me. You just won't admit it. So I'm not giving up. I'm gonna fight for you.. until your heart stops beating.

— I know what I want.

— You won't have to change for me, Bella. Or say good-bye to anybody. I can give you more than him. Fell that? Flesh and blood, and warmth.

— Edward!

— If you ever touch her against her will again..

— Edward, don't do this here!

— She's not sure what she wants.

— Don't do this here!

— Let me give you a clue - wait for to say the words.

— Fine, and she will.

— Jacob, just go, OK?

— Hey, hey, hey. Easy guys, easy. What's going on?

— I kissed Bella. And she broke her hand.. punching my face. Total misunderstanding.


— Whoever it was, he left his stink behind. We'll handle it from here.

— We don't need you tohandle anything.

— I couldn't careless what you need.

— Alright, we're done here.

— No, you're done here.

— Stop! I'm tired of this. From now on I'm Switzerland, OK?

Edward hated the idea, but it wasn't about rival anymore. It was about my safety, and Charlie`s.


Imprinting on someone is like.. like when you see her - everything changes.

— Have you.. imprinted on someone?

- You'd know if I had.

— So for now you're.. still you.

— And you're still you.

— Yeah… Until graduation. You knew this was gonna happen.

— Not in a month! Not before you've.. even lived.

- Bella, they're not even alive. It makes me sick. Better you've really be dead than one of them.

- Edward was right, I shouldn't come.

— Come on, please. I'm sorry.


I did want to see my mom. I wanted to know that her life is full and satisfying.

— You're different with him: he moves, you move - like magnets.

— I don't know.. we're just..

— In love, I get it. Just wanna make sure you're making the right choises for you.

— Mom…

— Congratulation!

— This is amazing. Thanks.

M om, I miss you.

— Oh, honey, I miss you too.


— What are you doing outside? What's wrong?

— Nothing.

— It seems only fair that I be represented as well.

— It's really pretty. Thanks.

— There's a bed!

— This is too much?

— No. No, It's perfect. I wanna ask you something.

— Anything.

— Okay, marriage is the condition for you to change me yourself, right?

— Yes…

— Okay, I wanna to share my own condition.

— Everything you want.. Is yours.

— You promise?

— Yeah…

— Bella, no.

— But you said that you wanna me to have every human experience.

— Not one's risk killing you.

— You won't. I want you.. While I'm still me, while I still want you as me.

— It's too dangerous.

— Try, just try. I'll go to some rediculous and expencive college and I'll let you buy me a car. I'll marry you! Just try.

[Sia - My love]

— Stop trying to take your clothes off.

— You wanna do that part?

— Not tonight.

— Hey, You don't… That's fine.

— Believe me, I want to. I just wanna be married to you first.

— You really make me fell like I'm some sort of like.. villain trying to steal your virtue or something.

— It's not my virtue concerned about.

— Are you kidding?

— It's just one rule I wanna leave unbroken. It might be too late for my soul, but I will protect yours. I know it's not modern..

— It's not modern.. it's ancient.

— I’m from a different era.

— Things were a lot less complicated. And if I met you back then, I would have courted you. Would’ve taken chaperoned strolls, and iced tea on the porch.

— I may have stolen a kiss or two but only after asking your father’s permission, I would've got down on one knee and I would’ve presented you with a ring.

— This is my mother`s. Isabella Swan, I promise to love you every moment of forever. Would you do me the extraordinary honor of marrying me?

— Yes.


- Jasper, are you sure there's nothing I can do to help? - Your scent will distract the newborns. Their hunting instinct will take over and.. drive `em crazy. - Good, I'm glad. - Hey, how do you know so much about this? - I didn't have quite the same upbringing has my adopted siblings. - Those bites're like mine. - Battle scars. - All the training the Confederate Army gave me was useless against the newborns. But still, I never lost a fight. - Hey, this happened during the Civil War? - I was the youngest major in the Texas Cavalry. All without having seen any real battle. - Until.. - Till I met a certain immortal. Maria. - Lovely, and an officer. - You'd better do it, Maria. I can never stop once I've started. - What's your name, soldier? - Major Jasper Whitlock, mam. - I hope you'll survive. - Maria was creating an army? - They were very common in the South. They cause the brutal battles for the territory, Maria wanted them all. She was smart, carefull and she had me. - My ability to control emotions served her well. I trained her newborns. - That was my job to dispose them. - I could feel everything they felt. - I thought what Marie and I had was love. But I was her puppet. I didn't know there was another way. Till I found Alice. - Shh.. Never have to be that again.


When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were things like astronaut, president..

or in my case, princess. When we were ten, they asked us again and we answered – rock star, cowboy, or in my case, gold medalist.

But now that we’ve grown up, they want a serious answer. Well, how ‘bout this: who the hell knows?!

This isn’t the time to make hard and fast decisions, this is the time to make mistakes.

Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere. Fall in love – a lot. Major in philosophy ‘cause there’s no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind. And change it again, because nothing's permanent…

So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask again what we want to be..

we won’t have to guess. We’ll know.


— I have to figure what to tell people. Why the'll never see me again.

— After a few decades everyone you know will be dead. Problem solved.

— Why you're so against me becoming like you?

— I told you.

— Be honest with me. There's more.

— I know the consequences of the choice you're making. I've lived through it.

— I thought that you're afraid that I'll be too different. You know like.. I wouldn't be warm, and even smell the same.

— You'll always be my Bella.

[Band of Horses - Life on Earth]

My Bella, just less fragile.


— Newborns will be frantic. - It's okay. And don't make yourself uncomfortable. - It doesn't bother me anymore. - Since when? - Since I spent 24 hours thinking you were dead. You're not wearing your ring. - Well, I didn't wanna risk losing it.

— Or risk Jacob seeing it. - I think we should wait to tell him. - If you have the second thoughts.. - I'm not. I just want him to have a clear head.

— Who`s head is unclear? - Nobody`s I hope. - Alice see storm coming. - Yeah, I can feel it.

— I'll see you in a couple of hours.

— Something up? - Vampires try to kill me. - Same old, same old.

— Thank you. - You should get back before the storm starts. - No, I'm staying.

— You're not gonna fight? - Seth will replace me in the morning. - Lets get you inside.


— It will be a last minute decision. I told you how it works.

— The Cullens have powers.

— Don't unrerestimate them, Riley. You'll have the numbers, but they'll be able to anticipate your every move.

— According to your friend?

— Yes, my dead friend. Loran found out about the things they could do and they killed him. But not bwfore he told me.

— Maybe he was wrong. I mean this is supposed to be Cullen territory and I've never even seen them here.

— You don't trust me.

[The Dead Weather - Rolling In on a Burning Tire]

— I'm doing this for us. I can't leave in fear anymore waiting for them to attack.

— I won't let them. I'm going to end the Cullen clan. I swear.

— I love you so much.


- I'm okay. - What can I do? - I can't sleep with all that teeth chattering! - Forget it! - She may need her toes someday… And lets face it, I am hotter than you. Get your hand of me! - Keep your hands off her. - Don't fight! - If she get sick - it's on you. You're freezing, Bella. - Relax, you'll warm up soon. Faster if you took your clothes off. - Jake… - Survival one-oh-one. - Can you at least attempt to control your thoughts? - I really get under that ice cold skin of yours, don’t I? What, are you doubting her feelings for you? Nice, so picking through my brain's okay. But, letting me read yours, forget it. Look, I know she’s in love with you. - Oh, good. - But she’s in love with me too. She just won’t admit it to herself. - Well, I can’t tell if you’re right. - Then let me ask you something, if she chooses me… - She won’t. - If she did, would you try to kill me? - That’s an intriguing idea.. but no. I couldn't hurt her like that. - So you'd just turn her into a blood sucking demon like you. - I don’t want that. I never wanted that. - So, stop her. - I tried. I left. - But you gave up too quickly. If you’d stay away for another six months, I could have made her happy. Trust me. You have to consider that I might be better for her than you are. - I have considered that. I know you can protect her, but you can give her a life, a human life. That’s all I want for her. I’m not gonna force her into anything ever again. The last time I tried, it almost killed us both. - Yeah, that I remember. When you thought she was gone, that you'd lost her, how did you.. cope? - There are no words, but I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, Jacob. This may sound odd but I’m glad you’re here. - You mean, “as much as I’d love to kill you, I’m glad she’s warm”? - If we weren’t natural enemies and you weren’t trying to steal my reason for existing. I might actually like you. - Well, if you weren’t planning on sucking the life out of the girl I love, I might.. no, not even then. - But she could still change her mind, you know? - Then, I’d let her go.


- She's close. I can hear her thoughts. She knew we're together. She knew you'd be with me. - She found us. - She's not alone. - Riley, listen to me. Victoria is just using you to distract me. She knows I'll kill you. - In fact, she'd be glad to not to deal with you anymore. - Don't listen, Riley. I told you about their mind tricks. - I can read her mind. So I know what she thinks at you. - He's lying. - She only created you and this army to revenge her true mate - James. That's the only thing she cares about. Not you. - There's only you. You know that. - Think about it, you're from Forks, you know the area. That's the only reason she chose you. She doesn't love you. - Riley, don't let him do this to us. You know I love you. - You're dead. - You'd not get a chance like this again! You want her! You want me to feel the pain you felt when I killed James. When i torn him to peaces. When I turned him into ash. When I turned him into nothing. https://i1000.photobucket.com/albums/af123/neko4ka/picspam/eclipse228.png - Victoria! Victoria! Victoria! - What's wrong? - Alice needs us to go. Now.


- August 13th? - Yeah, it’s a month before my birthday. I don’t need to be another year older than you. - There’s no rush. - I’ve chosen my life — I wanna start living it. - And so, you’re gonna let Alice plan the whole thing? The dress, the reception, the guest list, I mean who knows who’s she gonna invite. - Does it matter? - Just tell me why are doing these? - What, the wedding? - No, you try to make everyone else happy. But you’re already giving away too much. - You’re wrong. - This wasn’t a choice.. between you and Jacob. It was between who I should be and who I am. I’ve always felt out of step. Like, literally stumbling through my life. I’ve never felt normal.. because I’m not normal. And I don’t want to be. - I had to face death and lose, and pain in your world but I’ve also never felt stronger.. like more real, more myself, because it’s my world too. It’s where I belong. - So, it’s not just about me? - No. Sorry. - I’ve made a mess trying to figure all this out but I want to do it right. I want to tie myself to you in every way humanly possible. - Starting with a wedding. - Actually something a little more difficult first and maybe even dangerous.. - We have to tell Charlie. - It’s highly dangerous. - It’s a good thing you’re bulletproof. I’m gonna need that ring. [Metric - Eclipse (All Yours)]


— Worst is over. He'll be alright.

— Thank you.

— He's asking for you.

— Hey, Jake.

— Hey.

— I was worried about you.

— Worried about me?

— Yeah, I guessed Edward would read my thoughts. Was he hard on you?

— He wasn't even mad at me. Or you.

— Damn, he's better than I thought.

— He's not playing the game.

— Right. Bella, he's not as perfect as you think.

— I know who he is.

— At least I know I did everything I could. Wasn't easy making you admit your feelings for me.

— I only felt them because I know they wouldn't change anything.

— I'm exactly right for you, Bella. It would be as easy as breathing with me.

— You know I love you.

— You know how much I wish it was enough.

— Should I come back?

— I need some time. But I'll always be waiting.

— 'Till my heart stops beating.

— Maybe even then.


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