

Дата регистрации: 18 апреля 2011 года

Персональный блог ARRESTS — ARRETS

"Когда ты открываешься, обнажаешь все чувства, просишь понимания, ты теряешь нечто очень важное в своем самоощущении. тебе нужно знать нечто, о чем не знают другие. то, что другие о тебе не знают, позволяет тебе знать самого себя."

Desconfio que ainda não reparaste
Que o teu destino foi inventado por gira-discos estragados,
Aos quais te vais moldando.

E todo o teu planeamento estratégico de sincronização do coração
São leis como paredes e tectos
Cujos vidros vais pisando.

Anseio o dia em que acordares por cima de todos os teus números,
De raízes quadradas, de somas subtraídas,
Sempre com a mesma solução.

Ah, podias deixar de fazer da vida um ciclo vicioso,
Harmonioso ao teu gesto mimado
E à palma da tua mão.

— Toranja

The prince leans to the girl in scarlet heels,
Her green eyes slant, hair flaring in a fan
Of silver as the rondo slows; now reels
Begin on tilted violins to span

The whole revolving tall glass palace hall
Where guests slide gliding into light like wine;
Rose candles flicker on the lilac wall
Reflecting in a million flagons' shine,

And glided couples all in whirling trance
Follow holiday revel begun long since,
Until near twelve the strange girl all at once
Guilt-stricken halts, pales, clings to the prince

As amid the hectic music and cocktail talk
She hears the caustic ticking of the clock.

— Sylvia Plath, Cinderella

"I wonder, " he said to himself, "what's in a book while it’s closed. Oh, I know it’s full of letters printed on paper, but all the same, something must be happening, because as soon as I open it, there's a whole story with people I don’t know yet and all kinds of adventures and deeds and battles. And sometimes there are storms at sea, or it takes you to strange cities and countries. All those things are somehow shut up in a book. Of course you have to read it to find out. But it's already there, that’s the funny thing. I just wish I knew how it could be."

— Michael Ende, The Never Ending Story


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The girl in scarlet heels

The prince leans to the girl in scarlet heels, Her green eyes slant, hair flaring in a fan Of silver as the rondo slows; now reels Beg...


Podias deixar de fazer da vida um ciclo vicioso

Desconfio que ainda não reparaste Que o teu destino foi inventado por gira-discos estragados, Aos quais te vais moldando. E to...


What's in a book while it's closed.

"I wonder, " he said to himself, "what's in a book while it’s closed. Oh, I know it’s full of letters printed on paper, but a...


"Когда ты открываешься, обнажаешь все чувства, просишь понимания, ты теряешь нечто очень важное в своем самоощущении. тебе нужно знать не...