25 февраля 2011 года в25.02.2011 04:29 8 0 10 2

Top [7] ArMor scenes.


Morgana: Let me. I used to help my father with his armour.
Arthur: Thanks.
Morgana: Arthur? Be careful.
Arthur: See you at the feast.

Morgana: Sometimes you’ve got to do what you think is right and damn the consequences.
Arthur: You think I should go.
Morgana: It doesn’t matter what I think.
Arthur: If I don’t make it back, who will be the next King of Camelot? There’s more than just my life at stake.
Morgana: And what kind of King would Camelot want? One that would risk his life to save that of a lowly servant, or one who does what his father tells him to?


Morgana: Arthur!
Arthur: Morgana, what are you doing?
Morgana: You cannot face it!
Arthur: Morgana, go back to bed. There is nothing to be afraid of.
Morgana: Please, Arthur. I have seen terrible things. You cannot go.
Merlin: She’s probably had a bad dream, sire. I’ll take her to see Gaius.
Morgana: No! I will not let you go!
Arthur: Please, Merlin, get her inside.
Morgana: No!
I will make sure he is safe, my lady. I promise.
Morgana: No!


Arthur: My lady.
Morgana: My champion.


Morgana: And this is how you will rule when you are King? You’re not like your father.
Arthur: I will not betray him.
Morgana: If I know you at all, you won’t stand by and let this happen.
Please…if you won’t do this for the boy, then do it for me.


Morgana: I don’t want you to fight tomorrow.
Arthur: You’re worried about me.
Morgana: I don’t know what it is. Please, I’m begging you.
Arthur: I have to do this. It’s my duty.
Morgana: I understand.

#7. (Best!!!)

Morgana: I think I need to rest.
Arthur: Everything’s going to be alright. You’re safe now.


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