21 января 2011 года в21.01.2011 14:51 0 0 10 1

Augusten Burroughts.

I used to feel so alone in the city.
All those gazillions of people and
then me, on the outside. Because
how do you meet a new person?
I was very stumped by this for many
years. And then i relized, you just
say, "Hi". They may ignore you. Or
you may marry them. And their
possibility is worth that one word.


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BELIEVERSNEVERDIE — I par†ied with Jesus when he turned 30.


From the smallest beginnings come the greatest legends


T h e B l a c k K e y s


Happy 25th Birthday , my dearest and the most wonderful idol <3


Фильмография Джонни Деппа <3