20 января 2011 года в20.01.2011 08:14 6 0 10 1

Our long and cold Winter.

What am I doing this Winter? Honestly, I'm doing nothing good. I'm trying to do something useful, but it goes not how I want. I finishing my exams, talking with my friends on the Internet and cleaning the house sometimes. ^^
And the main thing I'm waiting is the meeting with my dream's man ;) haha
What am I gonna do? It's the question I've asked myself for all Winter. When will it finish this year? March?April? or may be May? How long are we gonna wait the Spring? I want the Spring very much!!! It seems the snow will never melt… I'm starting to hate snow. I live in the city where snow starts to melt too late. Last Spring was very cold like a Fall… And a Fall was like a Summer^^. The one thing I care is the hope that the Spring will come early. There is an interesting and funny quote - "Let's help Spring! Eat snow! But don't eat yellow snow" :)
I wrote the post myself and know that my English is not perfect but I'm learning English.
xoxo Leksie.


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