16 января 2011 года в16.01.2011 16:13 4 0 10 6


Эмма красива всегда и везде. Но вот самые шикарные её выходы. top outfit of emma watson#5 ϟ Deathly Hallows part 1 London premiere
#10 ϟ Deathly Hallows part 1 London premiere

top outfit of emma watson#9 ϟ Order of the Phoenix Honored Ceremony
#9 ϟ Orde Somerset House Ice Rink VIP Opening r Of The Phoenix Paris premiere

top outfit of emma watson#4 ϟ Somerset House Ice Rink VIP Opening
#8 ϟ Somerset House Ice Rink VIP Opening

top outfit of emma watson#7 ϟ Chanel Pre-Autumn/Winter Show
#7 ϟ Chanel Pre-Autumn/Winter Show

top outfit of emma watson#10 ϟ Order Of The Phoenix Paris premiere
#6 ϟ Order Of The Phoenix Paris premiere

top outfit of emma watson#8 ϟ national movie awards
#5 ϟ national movie awards

top outfit of emma watson#3 ϟ Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute gala
#4 ϟ Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute gala

top outfit of emma watson#6 ϟ Cartier International Polo
#3 ϟ Cartier International Polo

top outfit of emma watson#2 ϟ Sonya Rikiel - Paris Fashion Week Spring/Summer
#2 ϟ Sonya Rikiel - Paris Fashion Week Spring/Summer

top outfit of emma watson#1 ϟ Burberry Prorsum Spring/Summer 2010 Show
#1 ϟ Burberry Prorsum Spring/Summer 2010 Show ( ааа фак, мой любимый любимый выход. шикарна *_*).


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