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it is not a fairy tale
I'm really afraid. I'm afraid to hurt you so much cuz I already did it to another person. I feel like I smashed right now. Your words are killing me. I really don't want to step on the same shit again. That's why I'm afraid. You understand what I'm talking about and may be it matters.
Well yeah, It is not a fairy tale any more.
FROZENYOGHURT frozen yoghurt
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FROZENYOGHURT — frozen yoghurt
i love you like you love me. heaps
yess i feel it again. it feels good. love feels good
Hearing your name
life is fantastic. Got lots of stuff to share with you. And I'm happy that we have plenty of time.
Realised that you've gone with me thr...
sunshine inside of me
feeling happy every day. some days the clouds come but its life
im just here to be happy on my beautiful life
look at me now
somehow i...
sitting in the Manly wharf with my laptop, listening to the guy who usually sings there and loving my life so much. That guy, he sings Ja...
who I am, who I'm not, who I want to be
you again
start thinking abt you again. stop deleting me from ur friends, you will never delete me from ur heart.
looking at life here I keep thin...