12 января 2011 года в12.01.2011 07:41 11 0 10 1

To whom it may concern.

I wonder where to begin…

I`m a little bit revved up `cause today I`m sitting my English exam. It goes without saying that I was diligent at lessons all this term long, but I doubt that this will stand me in good stead. Let`s call a spate a spate: I am still able to string two words together thanks to my parents, who`s motto was "money spent on the brain is never spent in vain". Actually, I owe my English to the knowledge acquired at school, not at university. The lattest helps to forget the language, rumour has it, though maybe I`m laying it on thick and none of our university`s graduates has disgraced the name of diplomat.

With me so far?

Personally, I do hope I will manage to strut my stuff, unless I go rigid as soon as I see the examiner`s face and than talk some woolly ideas and lots of codswallop. Or worse: sing dumb. Of course, I dreamt of sailing through this exam and smirking at insufferable know-it-all fellow students after it. Although I had made up a terrific plan of revising, fair few days later I realised that I`m far behind schedule. My fatigue after finals hindered me from pulling myself together and fulfilling my promises. Spooky how the time flies when one is having fun! Now I`m going to stoop to fate and face the music. Well, it doesn`t do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

Paraphrasing Hermine`s remark, which was an unmistakable token of author`s wit and skill, "session can get us killed, or worse - expelled ". Yet I have a hunch, that it is not English which will get me expelled. I just have to nerve myself and let no grass grow under my feet.

I hope, this post was a fine piece of scholarship for those of you, who longs to brush up their English.

Wish me luck! I`ll return soon as merry as cricket, mark my words!!!

UPD: 86, yeah!!!


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