03 апреля 2010 года в03.04.2010 20:40 0 0 10 1

Through the rain* Cinderella*

I know its hard
In a world gone mad
To find the truth
To Understand
And I know its hard
To turn the page
To walk the line
To have the faith
But sometimes when its light
And you cant see
Sometimes when this world
Just seems to be so cold
Sometimes when youre lost at sea
Drowning in your pain
Sometimes the sun shines through the rain
I know its hard
In a world so cold
To feel the love
I know its hard
And I know its true
That in the end
We all find our way
And thats life my friend
But sometimes when its light
And you cant see
Sometimes when this world
Just seems to be so cold
Sometimes when youre lost at sea
Drowning in your pain
Sometimes the sun shines
Through the pain
World keeps turning
Nothing changes
Hope this time
We can rearrange the stars
I cant be that hard no
Sometimes when its light
And you cant see
Sometimes when this world
Just seems to be so cold
Sometimes when youre lost at sea
Drowning in your pain
Sometimes the sun shines
Through the pain
Sometimes when its light
And you cant see
Sometimes when this world
Just seems to be so cold
Sometimes when youre lost at sea
Drowning in your pain
Sometimes the sun shines
Through the rain
Ooh let it shine
Shine through the rain
Ooo let it shine
Shine through the rain
Sometimes the sun shines through the rain
Dont you know its gonna shine yea
Shining down on you
Sometimes the sun shines through the rain…


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IMARUDEBOY — ты шаришь тему?:D


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