10 января 2011 года в10.01.2011 07:52 0 0 10 2

Kevin: “Our vacation was over and we were driving back to New Jersey. Joe and Nick were sleeping in the back. It was 8 A.M., and Joe put his glasses on to see this truck coming towards us from behind. We all woke up in that exact moment. We got hit by an 18 wheeler truck. The driver fell asleep at the wheel. Right before the impact, Joe grabbed Nick and took him under his arm, and glass shattered and went all over the car. A little bit got on me and Frankie, but because Joe grabbed Nick, nothing fell on him. It all went in slow motion. It was really crazy. The glass was shattered, we were completely exposed. Luckily, the truck hit the back of the car, and if we didn’t have so much luggage, it would have crushed right through the car”.


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