02 апреля 2010 года в02.04.2010 17:22 1 0 10 1

I want a reason to smile.

I read old conversations between you and I because sometimes it gives me some sort of hope. Whether i hope that life will get better or that it'd go to how things used to be or that you'll be there, waiting for me. We'd forget about the past and focus on the future.You'd make me happy, I'd do the same to you. Imagination is a beautiful thing.

WRONG ! I came home and I cried. You fucking jerk. Why did you do that? You thought it wouldn't hurt me, well it did. I know its just a simple 'Fuck you', but coming from you it hurt a lot. To me, it meant like you were saying to fuck off, that you hate me, that you wanted me out of your life. What caused you to do that? Did you mean it… ?You promised to me that after time we will talk again. You have told that now i under emotions. And time will calm me.

At last, when I forget you, I can smile again and feel me happy day by day)

I still love you but as a friend, and each new day is the reason to smile =)


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tanyavodka : oblomov : pongo : 9-12 :


Люди которые снятся друг другу должны просыпаться вместе


Наверно не моё- Ты слишком много врал. Отметить бы тебя клеймом " не приручается". Никто не нужен мне. Прикинь, какой провал- С друг...


Блять. Мне больше нечего сказать.


если я проведу под душем всю Жизнь, я всё равно уже никогда не буду чистой