moette :
"I admire the fact that Tom is such a great guitarist and he works very hard on it. Also I am happy with the fact that he is just the brother that everyone would wish for. I can count on him for 100%. My trust in him has no limits." –Bill
"Bill is more in the spotlight then me. I admire the way he is handling it all. He doesn’t let it get to him, and stays true to himself. Bill was born to be a leading man. Also I can just tell him anything." –Tom
"He just has to be careful that he doesn’t break down. I am worried that he won’t get trough the long tour. That’s why I try to take care of him and bring him some tea." –Tom
"Tom has got a big heart. He can just be in love, emotional and sad just like me. We are very alike in that. He just doesn’t show it the way I do. He only lets it out at home." –Bill
"The two times that I have cried in my life, Bill was there." –Tom
"Of course we tell each other that we like the other one around and hug each other. But to be honest, we don’t have to. We know what we mean to each other." –Bill
"We absolutely wanted to make a song about our connection. We even wanna die together. The idea that one of us dies is just unbearable for us. We can’t imagine living without the other." –Bill
"I always imagine the following situation: We are standing on the edge of a cliff and someone says: “one of you has to jump and can never come back”. We would definitely jump together. 100%" -Bill
"When it is going bad with Bill it is going bad with me. But of course I would do anything to save him. If someone can do that, then it’s me." -Tom
"I was once in the hospital. When I woke up from narcosis, Tom was there. He sat next to my bed all day and I fell asleep. I just wanted to see my brother. Nobody else can help me in such a situation but him." -Bill
“The most important thing is that we can laugh together! We only have to just look at each other…” –Bill
"We love our parents of course. But the connection we have is something special. We know each other since we were in the womb! You can’t get any closer then that… " -Bill
“The best birthday present I ever got was 10 minutes after I was born” –Tom (although this hasn't been PROVEN to actually exist)
“Nothing tops what I have with Tom. If one of us dies, the other will follow” –Bill
“We are very different, yet alike; we don’t look like twins, but we are soul mates. When I look at Bill I know instantly what he thinks. I can feel it when he has a problem, even when he’s not with me. I could not imagine that I could ever trust a girl like I trust Bill.” –Tom
“I need…Tom…”
“You need me?”
“Yes.” –Bill
“I couldn’t live without Bill. We do everything together, we tell each other everything, we are inseperable.” –Tom
“I won’t let anyone stand between me and my brother.” –Bill
“That’s how it always was. Us against the world.” –Bill
“And anyone will have to go through me if they want to hurt my little brother.” –Tom
“Tom and I are…inseperable. I will always be at his side.” –Bill
“What we’ve got is pretty rare I think.” –Bill
“The two of us make one person. Totally. In many ways we differ—in speech and style and behavior – but that is out completion.” –Tom
“This bond we have can never exist without the other person.” –Bill
“We often have the same thoughts and even dream the same.” –Bill
“I couldn’t imagine life without Tom. We simply can’t imagine life without each other.” –Bill
“We would do everything for each other.We would even die for each other.” –Bill and Tom
“Now it’s just Tom and me on stage because this song is about us, about our relationship to each other. What we have is pretty rare I think. We’ll probably spend the rest of our lives together. We’ll never part. Tom and I are going to go off together into the night.” –Bill
“And Bill needs me! To be honest, Bill needs me.” –Tom
“Yeah, I do. And he needs me too!” –Bill