30 марта 2010 года в30.03.2010 15:53 7 0 10 2

Got a secret Can you keep it? Swear this one you'll save Better lock it, in your pocket Taking this one to the grave If I show you then I know you Won't tell what I said Cause two can keep a secret If one of them is dead Why do you smile Like you have told a secret Now you're telling lies Cause you're the one to keep it But no one keeps a secret No one keeps a secret Why when we do our darkest deeds Do we tell? They burn in our brains Become a living hell Cause everybody tells Everybody tells Got a secret Can you keep it? Swear this one you'll save Better lock it, in your pocket Taking this one to the grave If I show you then I know you Won't tell what I said Cause two can keep a secret If one of them is dead Look into my eyes Now you're getting sleepy Are you hypnotized By secrets that you're keeping? I know what you're keeping I know what you're keeping Got a secret Can you keep it? Swear this one you'll save Better lock it, in your pocket Taking this one to the grave If I show you then I know you Won't tell what I said Cause two can keep a secret If one of them is dead Alison? Yes, Katherine. I have something I want to tell you, but you have to promise to never tell anyone. I promise Do you swear on your life? I swear on my life You swore you'd never tell You swore you'd never tell You swore you'd never tell You swore you'd never tell Got a secret Can you keep it? Swear this one you'll save Better lock it, in your pocket Taking this one to the grave If I show you then I know you Won't tell what I said Cause two can keep a secret If one of them is dead Yes two can keep a secret If one of us is… Dead.


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MYKATE — Всё будет, как я хочу!


averyanova : nastyatsareva :


сижу в аэропорту, за окном +28, а приеду в -26! фааак! Сибирь как никак)



Дадада! Все именно так как я хочу, только вот мне безумно лень тут что то писать. Наверное потому что появилась жизнь, тут засиживаться ч...


Иногда бывает очень одиноко, даже если ты имеешь все чего хотелось. Чего то не хватает. Ужасно соскучилась по людям, нет не по городуR...


завтра КАСТИНГИ есссс!


I love Fashion TV

Моя первая работа была для каталога Fashion TV, я в восторге! Это конечно не Париж, но это БАНГКОК!!! тоже будут крутить по телеку) смотр...