04 января 2011 года в04.01.2011 22:04 1 0 10 2

Smart says no, stupid says yes.

Smart may have the brains, but stupid has the balls. Smart sees what there is. Stupid sees what there could be.
Smart has the plans, stupid has the stories. Stupid is trial and error. Mostly error.
If we didn't have stupid thoughts we'd have no interesting thoughts at all.
Smart says no, stupid says yes.
Smart listens to the head. Stupid listens to the heart.Smart had one good idea and that idea was stupid.
Only the stupid can be truly brilliant.Stupid might fail. Smart doesn't even try.
Smart critiques. Stupid creates.Smart plans. Stupid improvises.
Smart may have the answers, but stupid has all the interesting questions.
We're with stupid.
Long live stupid.


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OLLLA — We don’t remember days. We remember moments.


Ворую у себя ник, ахах)


http://psevdonim.viewy.ru/ Никуда я не ушла, просто у меня новый блог, не знаю почему, но этот так достал…


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Большой-большой привет из Ейска моим фоловерам!

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