02 января 2011 года в02.01.2011 14:31 0 0 10 4

Thank you, guys.

So, I would like to thank my new witness, who bring me the sea of joy, already in the coming New Year! But actually they are:

  • polinalims - Many thanks to you that I started to follow. Very nice (:
  • alittlebitlonger - aww, I am very glad that you're watching me. You have a very goodblog (:
  • sandyrayan - I am very grateful to you, watch out for me. I love to read the thoughtsof different people, so your blog, I really like it (:
  • oh-kesha - Kate, thank you for beginning to follow. Well, it is simply withoutwords, I love. ♥
  • whishpers - Good blog you have, thank you, stay tuned(:
  • mrsgranger-malfoy - Oy, I so like your blog. Thank you so much that they followed me. I am very pleased (:
Welcome to my World JonasBrothers! <3


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JONASB — MacyMisa


+1!!! Yeah! ♥

chindcha - Thank you very much, that you follow my blog. I am very pleased.And glad that you're 99 in a row! ^ ^


That smile..



A big thank you, thank you, that were to follow my blog. I am very grateful and thankful. I liked your blog. I hope we become friends!^^ ...


hellobrother :


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