01 января 2011 года в01.01.2011 23:25 0 0 10 2



Blair - Are you here to gloat?
Chuck - Over what?
Blair - Well, you won. Pop the champagne.
Chuck - I didn’t win.
Blair -Then why does it feel like I lost?
Chuck - The reason we can’t say those three words to each other isn’t because they aren’t true.
Blair - Then why?
Chuck - I think we both know that the moment we do, it won’t be the start of something. It’ll be the end. Think about it. Chuck and Blair going to the movies. Chuck and Blair holding hands.
Blair - We don’t have to do those things. We can do the things that we like.
Chuck - What we like is this.
Blair - The game.
Chuck - Without it, I’m not sure how long we’d last. It’d just be a matter of time before we messed it all up. Look, I’d rather wait. Maybe in the future…
Blair - I suppose there could be some excruciating pleasure in that.


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