30 декабря 2010 года в30.12.2010 14:03 1 0 10 1

Top 15 People of 2010








 Top 15 People of 2010 || #1 Nina Dobrev “I film so much and I’m working so much that when I do get even a Saturday off or a Sunday off or any time off, I just literally — I’m a hermit — just watch movies or sleep or just hang out with my close friends and relax.”

№ 1 Нина Добрев

 Top 15 People of 2010 || #2 Emma Watson “Let’s be honest: I have enough money never to have to work again, but I would never want that. Learning keeps me motivated.”

# 2 Эмма Уотсон

 Top 15 People of 2010 || #3 Joseph Gordon-Levitt “The movies I watch and the music I listen to and the books I read - those are important to me. It’s very important to me, and I don’t know what I would do without those things.”

# 3 Джозеф Гордон-Левитт

 Top 15 People of 2010 || #4 Rupert Grint “Fans asking for my autograph is really weird. It’s hard to get used to. I’ve tried several disguises and stuff but that doesn’t work. I do get recognised sometimes but it’s cool. Things at home didn’t change much. I still have to clean my own room! “

# 4 Руперт Гринт

 Top 15 People of 2010 || #5 Tom Felton “I really tried out for the part of Harry Potter, but they ended up picking me for the part of the enemy of Harry. Actually it is really fun playing the bad kid because it just has so many interesting qualities to it. And Daniel Radcliffe and I get along really well off set so it’s really fun filming.”

# 5 Том Фелтон

 Top 15 People of 2010 || #6 Taylor Swift “I haven’t had that one great love, which is good. I don’t want that to be in the past- I want it to be in the future.”

# 6 Taylor Swift

 Top 15 People of 2010 || #7 Ian Somerhalder “Two guys kissing is not as sexy as two girls kissing. When Selma Blair made out with Sarah-what’s-her-name, that was hot. Me and James Van Der Beek making out is not hot, it’s rather disgusting. We both looked at each other and said, ‘Dude, don’t stick your tongue in my mouth.”

# 7 Йен Сомерхалдер

 Top 15 People of 2010 || #8 Paul Wesley “With each new character, I find something new about myself that I didn’t know before.”

# 8 Пол Уэсли

 Top 15 People of 2010 || #9 Ellen Page “The thing I like about acting is being able to lose yourself completely in someone else. I’m not that comfortable when I get recognized.”

# 9 Эллен Пейдж

 Top 15 People of 2010 || #10 Cory Monteith “I love big shooting days, with crane shots and hundreds of people on set. That’s really exciting.. Shooting in LA for the first time has been really exciting for me too! “

# 10 Кори Монтейт

 Top 15 People of 2010 || #11 Dianna Agron “Having a dance background, I became used to rejection at an early age. Dance is very competitive, especially for a sensitive person like me. But I realized it’s better not to take it so seriously. If you beat yourself up, it’s hard to keep going.”

# 11 Дианна Агрон

 Top 15 People of 2010 || #12 Emma Stone “Well, I am so grateful anytime I get to work with someone that’s been doing it for a pretty sustained period of time… I can’t speak for everyone else, but for me I take so much from any actor that I work with.”

№ 12 Эмма Стоун

Top 15 People of 2010 || #13 Micheal Trevino “I don’t like spiders, stay away from spiders.”

# 13 Micheal Trevino

Top 15 People of 2010 || #14 Steven R. Mcqueen “Nobody loves me!”

#14 Steven R. Mcqueen

Top 15 People of 2010 || #15 Leighton Meester “I went through so many phases in high school that I can’t say exactly what my style was. A combination of just rolling out of bed and going to class and kind of defying my femininity by wearing sweatshirts with holes in them, never wearing heels or skirts. Also, all black almost all the time. “

# 15 Лейтон Мистер


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